Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dear Senator Kenley (Continued)

Recently I sent an email to my state senator and he actually responded back. He stated that he was sorry for my misfortunes but that he had always been a strong suporter of public education and the situation with urban schools was so bad something had to be done (see previous post.)   I pondered his response for a couple weeks and came up with a pretty decent come back so I thought I'd share (Sundays seem to be my day for political activism!)

Dear Senator Kenley,
I appreciate the fact that you took the time to respond to my email. I've thought about your response and I wanted to point out that I didn't share my personal circumstances with you merely for your sympathy but because they so perfectly illustrate how the decisions made by our legislature over the past few years are impacting dedicated educators such as I. I do understand that there are serious problems in urban areas but I don't see how any of the steps the legislature have taken will change those problems. Unless we address the poverty in these areas, we can not hope to improve the schools. In the meantime, you have "thrown the baby out with the bath water" - the baby in this case being the many quality educators we had in the many school districts that weren't failing. I don't need to check with my union officials to know that you have not been a strong enough supporter of public education for quite a while now. I'm sorry about that because, living in Noblesville, I have always had a great deal of respect for the Kenleys. Please start doing the right thing and REALLY support education.

Next up: Kathy Kreag Richardson

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for speaking up for what's right! Keep fighting and hoping for things to change!
